Welcome to Clever Idaho

Discover unique, handmade treasures at Clever Idaho. From ornaments to accessories, each item reflects local artisan craftsmanship. Shop one-of-a-kind pieces and support our community.

We specialize in handmade and custom gifts for any occasion. Whether your business needs a new sign, you're shopping for a birthday or anniversary, or want to give your clients a meaningful gift with a personal touch, check out what we have to offer below!

Shop Custom and Handmade

Our small, local business specializes in custom crafts cut and engraved by our C02 laser machine. We offer handmade gifts, ornaments, accessories, apparel, signs, and more! Each item is is personalized, unique to you, and sure to impress.

Bring your vision to life by requesting a custom order today!

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Shop Pre-made Gifts and More

Looking for a last-minute gift or want to browse our selection of products? Find a carefully handcrafted and unique item, from charming trinkets to home décor. Our pre-made, ready-to-ship treasures are one-of-a-kind, and are sure to bring a smile to your face.

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The People Behind Clever Idaho

As an Idaho Native duo, we enjoy creating items that bring your ideas to life! Whether you are looking for a gift or something for yourself, we will put our heart and soul into making it great!

From our Idaho home to yours,

Alex & Patrick

Paint Parties

Need a fun activity for a birthday party or want to catch up with your friends? Schedule a DIY Paint Party to paint custom signs!

We bring all the supplies you need so you can create your own masterpieces. Unleash your inner artist, share some laughs, and leave with a unique, handcrafted memory!

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